Sunday, 17 March 2013

Next10 and communication interface

The Next 10 Years: The communication interface

What is this technology?

Yet again, a convergence of technologies rather than a single innovation.

At its simplest, the communication interface is the method we use to drive our computer technology, to interact with it.

The Wii experience - tennis in your lounge
We issue commands (input) and receive responses.   We are seeing the seeds of voice-driven computing with projects like Siri and Google Assistant.

We've already seen the effect that intuitive interfaces can have on the entertainment industry.  Look at how Nintendo popularised a whole new gaming experience with their Wii console that allowed you to play tennis in your lounge as if you were on centre court.  All other manufacturers quickly followed suit and these kind of peripherals are standard equipment now in the gaming arena.

What will happen?

The keyboard's days are numbered
Our current dependence on the keyboard and the mouse will be largely replaced by voice commands, touch, hand gestures and eye movement.  We'll see this capability sweeping through all areas where we currently need our fingers to operate a device - a TV remote, a computer, a multimedia system.

Our unique voice prints or retinal scans will replace conventional security mechanism for gaining access to secured computer systems.

Tom Cruise in Minority Rerport (2002)
Voice commands will develop from simple proscribed keywords to interpretative, intuitive systems that understand everyday speech, recognise different emotions and prompt for more information in the case of ambiguous commands.

How will this impact society?

Virtually everyone will have the ability to access the connected world.  Literacy, the ability to operate a mechanical keyboard or mouse have long been barriers for many and have limited or even prevented their access to this new technology.

As voice driven systems become more flexible, even the untrained user will be able to command a machine through everyday speech.

What supports this prediction?

Eye scrolling comes to the Android smartphone (Samsung Galaxy S4)

Voice biometrics control access

Google Glass
Eyewear from Nokia

Evolution of the mouse interface

The smartphone is your gateway to the online world

Making the TV remote redundant

Google Glass (Techradar)

Wrist tech - meet the SmartWatch

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